jueves, diciembre 01, 2005

otra mujer para la mesa de luz

Próximo libro a conseguir: vida de vivos, de María Moreno. Hace un tiempo posteé en este blog una entrevista que le hizo a silvina ocampo.

6 comentarios:

Blogger tmt ha dicho...

Hi there.
I am sorry I have to disappoint you, or whatever.
I hit the "next blog" button, so, I wasn't actually
reading your blog. How can I read it when I don't
understand one word of it:)) You know, it's funny
but there is one saying in my country when you don't
understand something:
"Vau, what a spanish village". Or when you speak with
other person and he/she can't follow what you're
saying, you say:"It's the spanish village for you".
Anyway, after you sent me a comment, I went to see
you blog again, I thought to myself: Who the hell is
this?:)) So, you sent me comment again.

I don't write about one theme.
Freestyling, writing a little bit of everything:
music,private life,computers, politics,....in few words:
life around me.
Anyway, you can follow links on my blog and hear some
of my music.
Today Google translated me some
of your posts, long live Google:)

Happy blogging


5:45 p. m.  
Blogger Flor ha dicho...

Mora, la ando extrañando, ¿ya no postea?

2:44 p. m.  
Blogger daniela ha dicho...

antimachine, your language is also very strange for me. I will try to translate some of your posts with google, too. cheers, M.

3:08 p. m.  
Blogger daniela ha dicho...

flor: qué bueno que la extrañen a una, sobre todo si mi último post fue sólo hace tres o cuatro días. saludos, D.

3:14 p. m.  
Blogger paula p ha dicho...

(tanta graciass!)

7:05 p. m.  
Blogger daniela ha dicho...

¿Gracias por qué, paula?

9:19 p. m.  

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